Wednesday, 3 December 2014

THE GREAT WHITE SHARKS (sugar and white flour)

Hello friends,
today I received a copy of a monthly newsletter by  from my friend Lucia and share this with all my other pals here.
I am sure you already know that sugar is the diabetic's enemy NUMBER ONE. Enemy NUMBER TWO is white flour.
The white bread we are eating and -worse- giving our children to eat contains both these enemies, plus some other crazy chemicals. The same goes for shop bought cookies, cakes, buns,

If you know the dangers involved and swallow the poison anyway, be my guest. I advocate awareness on this site, the final decision is yours.

Avoid the two ‘Great White Health Sharks’ (or Sweet Poisons):
  1. SUGAR and
  2. Refined White Flour
The consumption of both of these substances leads to a SLOW, but SURE, invisible health catastrophe. There are so many studies proving that both of these are ‘slow-killers’; but still they remain legal substances and are consumed in massive quantities. Surely if something is known to be harmful it is reasonable to expect that the authorities would act to protect the general public. But to the contrary, the modern, ‘drugged’ society continues promoting and consuming all of these harmful substances. It is imperative that every effort should be made to educate the general public regarding the long term health risks of these dangerous products.
As is the case with many harmful processed foods the public consumes it because it is first of all available, well marketed and it satisfies that short term craving. Sadly, people are totally oblivious to what is happening internally to their body at a cellular level. As happens with so many modern foods: ‘The lack of immediate affect leads people to conclude that there are no effects.’ Over time SUGAR has become the greatest drug on our planet. Yes, contrary to what people believe, the greatest drug is sugar and not alcohol, caffeine or nicotine. And the shocker is that it is legal and promoted to everyone.
Why is sugar ruining your health?
Refined white sugar or white flour is unnatural - it is highly concentrated. Human beings were never designed to consume sugar. Almost every known ‘dis-ease’ is fuelled by it.
  1. Sugar makes you nutrient deficient as it is devoid of nutrients.
  2. It makes you acidic.
  3. It causes tooth decay and weak bones.
  4. It causes high blood sugar levels, over stimulation of the pancreas resulting in a high risk of contracting diabetes.
  5. Sugar leads to being overweight and obese.
  6. It fuels cancer cells.
  7. It causes children to become hyperactive resulting in ADD and/or ADHD.
  8. Sugar cause an overgrowth of candida.
  9. And so the list continues…

There are endless research studies that prove the above. Some by Dr Weston A Price date back as far as 1930. His epic study spanned more than a decade and incorporated 14 different traditional people groups. Some of Dr Price’s photos are also published in my book. Those photos are so powerful. As is my book, his book titled, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, is a must read for every individual and household.
But what are the natural alternatives to SUGAR AND WHITE FLOUR?
  1. Sugar replacement: Honey, Stevia leaf extract, dates and more
  2. White flour replacement: Living grain and a stone mill to produce freshly stone milled flour plus the skills and recipes presented in the book Go Natural to produce i.e.: Bread, Pasta, Pizza, Rusks, Porridge, cake, cookies, etc.
Book and monthly newsletters can be ordered from

For today be sweet,

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